Meet Our Expert Staff

Our medical staff, who dedicate their lives to human life and defeating cancer, is one of our greatest values. Our expert staff consists of physicians and experienced health professionals, each of whom is specialized in their own field, internationally known and caring for their patients.

Uzm. Dr. Sedef Beckom

Dr. Sedef Beckom

Главный врач / Внутренние болезни

Uzm. Dr. Nesrin Aslan

Dr. Nesrin Aslan İlkmen

Nuclear Medicine Specialist

Uzm. Dr. Nesrin Aslan

Prof. Dr. Metin Halaç

Nuclear Medicine Specialist

Doktor Ahmet Öber Doctor Ahmet ober

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Öber

Radiation Oncology Specialist

Doktor Didem karaçetin Doctor Didem karaçetin

Prof. Dr. Didem Karaçetin

Radiation Oncology Specialist

Dr. Roman İbrahimov

Radiation Oncology Specialist

doktor Yusuf Ziya Benek doctor yusuf ziya benek

Dr. Yusuf Ziya Benek

Radiology Specialist

Dr. Gonca Saraç

Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist

Uzm. Dr. Ümit Tüzün

Dr. Ümit Tüzün

Radiology Specialist

Doktor Zülal Ünlüer Doctor Zülal Ünlüer

Dr. Zülal Ünlüer

Radiology Specialist

Doktor Vildan Kayku Doctor Vİldan Kayku

Dr. Vildan Kayku

Medical Oncology Specialist

Doktor Suat Can Ulukent Doctor Suat Can Ulukent

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suat Can Ulukent

Anatomy & General Surgery Specialist

Doc. Dr. Orhan Çelen

General Surgery and Surgical Oncology Specialist

Uzm. Dr. Aysen Dizman

Radiation Oncology