Fasting during the month of Ramadan is an important part of the lives of many around the World. How does this relationship change for cancer patients? Our experts put together these suggestions for cancer patients and survivors.

If cancer patients go hungry and / or dehydrated for a long time, it may cause fatigue, decrease in body’s strength and increase in side effects related to treatment compared to other healthy people. Fasting and dehydration can even result in kidney failure and abnormal clotting, leading to dangerous consequences.

For this reason, it is very important for patients whose cancer treatment continues actively to eat regularly and sufficiently without skipping meals, to sleep well, and to drink enough fluids. We do not recommend fasting for patients who are actively undergoing cancer treatment. Patients whose cancer treatment have been completed and who feel well overall may be allowed to fast after consulting their physicians.


Here are some points that healthy individuals and cancer survivors, who are approved by their physicians to fast, should pay attention in order to have a healthier fasting period.